Continuing our commitment

Three finalists from this year’s Tectona business challenge from Plymouth University are continuing to receive expert assistance from our team as they seek to commercialise their winning ideas.
So far, we’ve helped Tectona winner Geoff Hunt and runners up Andrew Jinman and Jessi Dimmock with pro bono advice in excess of £2000. Geoff’s new identity for his gourmet festival food business is currently taking shape in the studio whilst Andrew has already been out at a variety of events introducing his superb sustainable fishing concept Jessi is busy developing her idea to utilise NFC technology as a business and we’re delighted that she is able to tell you more in her guest blog
Our Managing Director Martyn King, who provided mentoring support for entrants of the Tectona awards earlier this year, said: “We are delighted to extend our commitment to supporting young entrepreneurs through our involvement with these finalists. We know that turning a great idea into a business can be a big challenge so we committed to providing an even greater level of support this year.”
In 2008 we started up at Plymouth University’s Formation Zone. With expert assistance and access to superb facilities we were the first business to exit the incubation facility after doubling our headcount and revenue.