Fuelling Demand for Biovault Family

Biovault Family is a Plymouth-based business that operates throughout the UK, as well as with strategic partners in markets all around Europe and the Middle East. Offering cord blood banking and umbilical cord blood collection and storage services, Biovault is the most accredited, experienced and secure provider in the country.
After a pitching process, Fuel was commissioned to assist Biovault in increasing its UK marketing share and obtaining better value for the marketing budget.
“Developing an in-depth understanding of the stem cell market is a challenge that our whole team have enjoyed,” said Fuel MD Martyn King, “After researching the audience, competition and opportunities we are looking forward to working with Biovault to achieve some exciting results.”
Check out the new Biovault Family website to find out more about some very interesting services, and keep an eye on mainstream and social media to stay up to date with progress.