How To Make Linkedin Advertising Work For Your Business

With 30 million companies active on Linkedin, now more than ever social media marketing is becoming increasingly important amongst our business strategies. For many B2B companies, Linkedin advertising should be making up that majority of your social media marketing plan. However, for many social media can seem like a minefield – that is why we have put together a simple guide on how to make Linkedin advertising work for your business.
Planning Is Key
We know that it can be so tempting to go gung- ho and get your ads out there asap, to the largest audience possible. But we strongly advise that you take a step back and be strategic and take your time before posting out an ad. Take the time to plan out exactly the message that you would like to portray, the perfect imagery to go with the ads and what audience you would like to reach.
Make Use Of The Tools Available
It makes perfect sense to make the most of every tool available to you doesn’t it? Linkedin advertising has a campaign management tool that you should be making use of. The Linkedin advertising campaign manager is brilliant for targeting ads and scoping ads to a detailed audience, organising budgets and also targeting specific locations.
Choose Your Ad Format & Objective Wisely
Setting a specific objective for your campaign helps you achieve your business goals. A campaign objective is an action you want your customers to take when they see your ads. Choosing an objective helps us customize your campaign creation, deliver the best ROI for your stated goal, and show you relevant reporting. Have a looking into each of the objectives and see what one will work best for you.
Be Specific Within Targeting
Linkedin advertising splits their targeting into company, demographics, education, job experience, interests & traits. Take the time to look through the targeting tools and see what targeting will be best-suited to the message that you would like to send. You should also keep an eye on how adjusting your targeting will affect your audience size. Don’t be alarmed if your audience may only be a few thousand people, this will work just fine – as long as your targeting is meeting the right calibre of people you will more than likely see an ROI.
Measure And Optimise
Once all your ad has gone live, it is important to check on their progress, daily if possible. Keep an eye out for KPIs such as click-through rates, cost per clicks, link clicks and overall spend. If these are increasing disproportionately to the overall impressions, there may be small steps that can be taken to make these better and yield more conversions for your business.
It is also worth noting that if your campaign statistics are looking healthy, but you are still not seeing any leads, consider the landing page experience that your target audience is seeing. Is the content on the page up to date? Does the page look engaging? Is the message strong enough? Is there a clear call to action on the page?
Reflection Pays Off
Once your campaign has completed, take the time to go through the leads and the data and make a list of the things that worked well on the ads, and also the things that you would change in the future. This could be anything from wanting to create an ad that is more in keeping with your brand, driving more conversions, or spending less and still achieving a good result.
If you need any assistance on any social media marketing, get in touch with a member of our team today