Insightful feedback paves the way for TQR rebrand

In a crowded sector, stigmatised with stereotypes of ‘CV dumping agencies’, Total Quality Recruitment (TQR) needed to stand out and break the mould.
Through qualitative research we were able to gain insights into the perceptions of the recruitment industry, perceptions that don’t hold true for agencies such as TQR. Some of the insights revealed that the industry in broad terms was viewed as unreliable, opportunist and over promising.
However, insightful feedback showed that TQR were seen to be a professional, trusted and helpful partner, who operated completely differently to their key competition. This positive feedback in contrast to the negative view of the industry allowed us to hone in on their USP and really emphasise it within the rebrand.
Beyond the website rebranding, all aspects of corporate communications and signage were updated, including an office revamp to keep in-line with the new brand. To fully underline how TQR stand out in the market, we opted for bespoke cut typography.
Total Quality Recruitment Managing Director, David Freeman commented; “From the outset, we were extremely impressed with Fuel’s approach to our brief. I have been impressed by their ability to home in on the elements of our service that distinguish us from our competition. We do not work in the same way as other recruitment agencies and I am delighted that Fuel have been able to amplify these differences within a fresh, creative rebranding exercise.”