Smile Together’s new Impact Magazine

We have recently completed the design and production of Smile Together’s impact report magazine. The magazine will be used to deliver a quarterly roundup of news and activities across the company.
Smile Together is Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’s leading primary care dental provider with Specialist and Consultant-led services and a range of NHS and Public Health contracts.
Throughout the magazine we have used a palette of pink and purple colours to keep the magazine on-brand and vibrant. We opted for a 350gsm silk cover combined with 150gsm silk inner pages to reflect the high quality service that Smile Together provides.
Have a look at the final version here: Impact Magazine PDF
Are you thinking of updating your printed marketing materials for 2017?
Here are five (there are many more!) reasons why print SHOULD still be an important part of your strategy:
- Creative and useful printed marketing material help cement top of mind awareness and can increase positive word of mouth for your brand.
- We use a powerful piece of call tracking software that means you can track how effective your printed material is and make data-driven decisions, as well as being able to work out your ROI.
- Print is one of the most important types of below the line advertising (BTL). The impact of a well-designed printed piece can leave a long-lasting impression on your customers.
- Your printed marketing materials should supplement and enforce your online digital strategy, they are both far more effective when used together in support of one another.